Almond Berry Cake Tisane

New Limited Edition for the 2023 Fall/Winter Season only! 

Our Almond Berry Cake is a rooibos & honeybush based blend that smells exactly like its namesake. This infusion is sweet smelling (but not cloying) and goes down very easily, just like a warm cake right out of the oven. We handed out samples of this at our pop-ups and this might be Red and my favorite flavored tisane of the season. This tisane is perfect for someone who is new to tea and enjoys sweet or dessert-like fragrances.

There are no nuts used in this tisane. 

Ingredients: Rooibos, honeybush, cocoa nibs, flavoring

Limited Supply: This year, we will be changing up some of our inventory seasonally, so we will only carry this tea in limited quantities and will not be renewing our orders until next Fall/Winter.

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Caffeine Level:
Loose Leaf
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